Organic Valley Organic Good to Go Free-Range Hard Boiled Eggs

Organic Valley, Organic Good to Go Free-Range Hard Boiled Eggs

The idea of shoppnig grocery online is great, particularly when there is free shipping.  Having grocery delivered to my doors really cuts down the stress and hassle of running grocery errands myself when I get too bogged down in caregiving.  The idea of having pre-boiled eggs that can be ready-to-eat anytime when I need some protein quickly is also fantastic.  So I bought several packages of the above pre-boiled eggs when I orderd my grocery on Amazon.  This was my first time buying pre-boiled eggs and I won't do it again.  These eggs didn't have any taste at all.  I love eggs but these pre-boiled eggs were horrible.  I had boiled eggs many times before and boiled eggs always have a very subtle egg aroma and a delicious taste of egg that I enjoy.  But these pre-boiled eggs made me feel like I was eating "imitation eggs" with the yolk made of mashed up toilet paper and the egg white made of plastic.  I know these were real eggs, but they were so tasteless and their texture so weird that they may as well be artificial.  I don't like them and I will  go back to boiling my own eggs, from now on. 

If you have tried these pre-boiled eggs, you are welcome to tell me whether you like them or you can share your product review in the comment area below:)


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