Homemade Chicken Soup

Homemade Chicken Soup

This is my first time making homemade chicken soup.  I normally bought chicken soup from Chicken Maison or the grocery stores.  But now I don't think I can go back to those takeout soups anymore.  The homemade chicken soup just tastes so much better with a really delicious and fresh taste, without the MSG used by the restaurant and the ton loads of salt used by the grocery stores.  I learnt how to make this delicious homemade chicken soup by watching the Youtube video below. I bought my organic whole chicken and the organic veggies from Trader Joe's. I pulled out the skin from the chicken to reduce the fat content in the soup, except for the wings which were too difficult for me to pull the skin off.  I also added 2 bay leaves and a few sprigs of fresh thyme even though the video doesn't call for them. The chicken alone costs US$17.00.  The veggies and herbs probably add  a few more dollars to the soup.  But it's worth it because the chicken and the soup taste really really good.  I'm very grateful that there is a Trader Joe's within short driving distance from my home. I often take that for granted....

This chicken soup is easy to make, but I spent more time cleaning my sinks than cooking, because I washed the chicken.  CDC had advised us to not wash the chicken to avoid cross contamination of germs (see CDC's video below), but I prefer to wash my chicken to reduce the foul smell.  So I ended up spending a lot of time cleaning my sinks and counter top afterwards.....I don't know how people can cook a whole chicken without rinsing because the sealed bag has so much gross bloody water in it...What about you? Do you prefer to wash the chicken before cooking or not?


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