My New Fruit Find: Cape Gooseberries

Cape Gooseberries

Before I became the involuntary caregiver, I barely stepped into a grocery store because I always worked long hours and I had no energy after spending 3 hours + commute time on the freeways everyday. So I always ordered  both my grocery and takeout food online.  But since I became a caregiver, I have since enjoyed going to the grocery stores because it's where I can take a brief escape from home.  Today when I was enjoying my little escape to Trader Joe's, I found this new fruit that I had never seen before.  They looked  so delicious and adorable that I just got to try them.  They are called cape gooseberries and  they have an origin in Peru. The box that I bought is supposedly from Columbia.  They remind me of the cherry tomatoes. They turn out to be from the tomatoes and eggplants family.  I tried a couple of them with their skin on, they tasted refreshigly tart and sweet at the beginning, but they became quite bitter to me when I started chewing on their skin.  I didn't like that bitterness from the skin, so I ate only the flesh for the rest of them.   I found them quite zesty and I think they will be more suitable for summer consumption when the weather is hot.  I read that these berries have lots of antioxidants and vitamin C.   My sentiment towards these berries is lukewarm.  I don't hate them but I don't particularly love them, and yes, they taste very unique and interesting.  But they aren't something that I will particularly search to buy again in my upcoming grocery errands.


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